On September 21, 1896, a group of men gathered in Cheltenham Hall for the purpose of forming a Volunteer Fire Company to be known as Cheltenham Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. Who were these first volunteer firemen? In short, they were a cross section of the local community which included many leading citizens and businessmen. They were plumbers, tailors, painters and grocers. They were auto dealers, factory workers, contractors and builders. These hard working, self-sacrificing group of men were proudly conscious of their importance in the community.
Being a volunteer firefighter was a source of pride for all of those involved. There was prestige in belonging to the fire company. These men received nothing for their efforts other than the thrill of being a volunteer firefighter, and this was enough. The importance of being a volunteer firefighter and pride was so deep-rooted in the community that business owners would close up shop to go fight fires, sometimes losing extended periods of time due to fire incidents.
Today we celebrate our past, present and future. In 2004, 2 members of the Cheltenham Fire Company were celebrated for having over 100 years of service between the 2 of them. Past Chief and Firefighter Bern Schuck with 66 years and Past Chief Engineer & Firefighter Ted Marley with 66 years. Sadly, Bern Schuck passed away in 2010, but his hard work, dedication and contributions carry on with newer generations of volunteers.