Active Firefighting Member: The most common type of membership applied for. You are applying to become a full firefighter and will participate in calls, weekly drills,and monthly meetings and can serve on a committee.
Junior Firefighter: Are you between the ages of 16 and 18? Three months before your 16th birthday you can apply to become a junior FF.
Active Non-Firefighting Membership:
This membership includes those who cannot participate in firefighting but want to help the company administratively. These members attend the monthly business meetings and participate in company committees. Activities include fundraising, public relations, fire prevention, technology, etc. Fire companies can't survive without administrative personnel. Think you can help?
Limited Active Membership:
This is our newest classification. It is intended for experienced firefighters who are already volunteering/working somewhere else. They are already trained and would like to volunteer their time to run calls and training with our active crew.